Expecting large traffic spikes this Saturday/Sunday


I’m expecting large spikes in traffic to my page, and it’s really important that it stay up and running during those spikes. We’d be missing a big opportunity if it went down. I’d like to know of there’s anything I need to do to prepare. The domain is already on netlify’s DNS.

The website is https://whereislubalin.net
netlify site name: whereislubalin-3af5e4

I’ll be promoting the page on my TikTok (I usually get 5-7 million views in the first 48 hours). TikTok seems to distribute in waves, so we’re estimating somewhere around 15,000 page views per minute at the peaks (could be more or less, depends how well we convert). I unfortunately don’t know how frequent or long those peaks will be.

We also expect traffic from instagram, youtube, twitter, etc.

The video will be posted some time between noon and 4pm EST this Saturday Feb 19th, and we expect the bulk of the traffic to be in the first 3-4 days, but could carry on longer.

The page is focused on a mailing list sign up form. We prepared a backup netlify form, just in case the original sign up form fails for some reason. We’ll switch to the business plan to get unlimited submissions if we need to. If we do switch to the netlify form, will it be able to handle this traffic?

I reached out directly to support, but I’m worried I won’t get a response in time for Saturday.



hey there @lubalin ! congrats on your success and promotions, and we super appreciate the heads up in advance. our team is aware of what’s happening, and i’m sure it’ll go off without a hitch. thanks again!

Awesome, thanks so much Perry!

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