Error: Failed getting list of addons: api.listServiceInstancesForSite is not a function

Running ntl addons:list or ntl dev immediately causes this error
(single line in console, no other messages or errors):

Error: Failed getting list of addons: api.listServiceInstancesForSite is not a function

What I already tried: ntl unlinkntl logoutntl loginntl link — site linked again, but error still present :frowning:

ntl status output:

 Current Netlify User │
Email:  ****@*****.com
Github: *********
  space17's team: Collaborator 

ntl-cli version:

netlify-cli/2.68.0 win32-x64 node-v15.0.0

To anyone else who faced this issue:
you need to reinstall netlify-cli using npm, not yarn

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