Editor Components: Good example for "body/markdown" capturing RegEx

I’m trying to build a simple editor component for a Hugo shortcode that captures a “title” parameter and the inner content of the shortcode. Something like this:

{{< inline title="Something" >}}

One line 
or two

{{< /inline >}}

Even though this EMAC regex works fine on regex101.com (capturing the title param as the first match, and the inner as the second):

/^{{< inline title="([^"]*)" >}}([^"]*){{< \/inline >}}$/g

NetlifyCMS fails to detect it from my content when I use the same regex value as pattern for the component…

All the example I can find out there are about simple strings (image components, figure components etc…)

Has anyone ever tried to capture a big blob of text from inside a shortcode’s inner content in order to build an editor component?

Thans a ton!

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