Easiest way to redirect a domain name?

I own the maineadventuresociety.com domain, with an ancient but still worth maintaining website. I’m ignorant of everything but the most basic html, so I rebuilt the site on google sites which I can use pretty well. I want to redirect maineadventuresociety.com to the new site. The domain is actually registered with Hostmonster, but they won’t redirect the domain unless I pay to host with them, which is pointless since I want to use google sites for free. I’ve tried making a simple page that is just a link to my new google site, but I can’t get it to deploy correctly. Any help is appreciated! I’m looking to redirect to M A S I

hi there @Truax_McFarland -

let’s take a few steps back. You say that you are using google sites (not a service i am familiar with sadly) and the domain is registered with hostmonster.

can you share with me where netlify is involved? :thinking: not sure i am connecting the dots yet, thanks!

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Good point. Netlify hosts the current site, which is beyond my limited skills to maintain. Google sites is much easier but doesn’t use domain names - every address is some variation on “sites.google.com/name of your site”. Since I want to retain my search engine position, plus any old links to the site, I need to point the maineadventuresociety address to the google site. Thanks!

It is possible to re-assign the existing domain to google sites - but it looks really complicated. Hostmonster is being very unhelpful, so if I can do it through netlify that would be great.

hi again,

totally understand what you are trying to do! But if your site is hosted on google sites, then unfortunately you can’t use Netlify DNS (the service that points domains places. it operates a bit like a phone book) to point to that service. It is against our terms of service to use Netlify provided domain name services to point to sites that are not hosted with us.

Your best bet is probably to use google dns or other domain name services provider to point your custom domain to your google sites page. Sadly we can’t help with setting that up, as it is beyond our purview.

if you should host a site with netlify again in the future, please do come back and we can walk you through getting your custom domain pointed to your netlify site using netlify dns.

good luck!

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So it goes, I suppose! Thanks for your time - I really appreciate it.

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