Does image CDN have rate limits?

I have a gallery website, where I have several galleries with a few thousand images each. User can switch between galleries quickly as this is a “react” single page application. When a switch happens hundreds of thumbnails need to be loaded quickly. To host the images I’m using Google Drive and putting the images behind “Netlify Image CDN”. I’m using default caching (although I’m thinking of changing it as the images won’t change). This is my “toml” file:

  remote_images = ["*", "*"]

What happens is after I switch between galleries enough times (which sends lots of requests in quick succession to refetch the images) the requests start to hang. There’s no error they just never resolve. At some point even the web page fails to load (just hangs). After some time it starts working again. So my questions are:

  • Is this due to rate limiting?
  • Can this be disabled?

Thanks in advance and let me know if any additional information would be useful.

Image CDN doesn’t have any “special” rate limits if that’s what you’re asking. It’s still subject to the standard rate limits Netlify has for the overall CDN and it cannot be disabled.

However, rate limiting should result in HTTP 429 and not stalled connections.