DNS issues.naked apex root domain doesnt work after subdomains reconfiguration!

i deployed https://intechflex.netlify.app/ create-react-application simple landing page on Netlify,

Now i dont have no idea how to fixit. Flushed all DNS records for all of them . Considering to redeploy branch and totally redoit from 0% .

***Errors : Error following redirects Get https://www.intexflex.eu/: dial tcp: lookup www.intexflex.eu on no such host
*** Error http://intechflex.eu (HTTP) redirects to https://www.intexflex.eu/. The first redirect from http://intechflex.eu should be to a secure page on the same host (https://intechflex.eu).
*** Error Redirect error: Get https://www.intexflex.eu/: dial tcp: lookup www.intexflex.eu on no such host

i already solved the issue , found mistake in netlify.toml file and edited it.

Hey there, @vitustockholm :wave:

Thanks so much for circling back and sharing your solution. Glad everything is working now :netliconfetti: