DNS Error: Domain...already managed by Netlify DNS on another team


I am trying to use a domain that I own (dither.camera), however I get the error message:

dither.camera or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.”

I read through support forums and have added a TXT record verified-for-netlify to my DNS records at dither.camera.

Thanks in advance.

@Decay The record you have added doesn’t match the instructions.

You have added:


The instructions are:

The name should be verified-for-netlify
The value should be

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Thanks. Will try to address. Dynadot only has one input field in DNS.

In the second box just put the value Nathan shared above.

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Thank you both for the help. DNS TXT record changes made, @nathanmartin

Unfortunately, I’m not seeing that record created:

% dig +answer +noall verified-for-netlify.dither.camera

Could you ensure it’s been succesfully created?

@sid.m The user doesn’t know how to create the record with the name.

So it isn’t against verified-for-netlify:


Unfortunately dynadot does not allow for TXT records with multiple entries. I can not put “verified-for-netlify” and the url 'DNS Error: Domain...already managed by Netlify DNS on another team" within a single TXT record. There is a TXT record with this url in it now. And I can create a secondary record that includes “verified-for-netlify” if that helps.

See here:
nslookup -type=TXT dither.camera

@Decay It’s ultimately fine as you have it, as the value is unique to this request.

They just need to know to check for it in the non-procedure location.

Sorry if my message made you think you needed to adjust, I was just pointing it out to Netlify.

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The domain has been removed from the other account, you should be able to add it to your account successfully.

Many thanks @sid.m! Resolved.