CNAME records not propagating for domain

Hi team, my site has custom CNAME records set in the Netlify DNS but they are not appearing on any lookups, i.e. mxtoolbox or dnschecker.

I’ve checked the name servers are set correctly, and all other record types i.e. A or TXT are appearing fine on a lookup.

Any ideas?

Hi there!

I just checked all the CNAME records you have in there in my terminal using host and all 4 came up! Perhaps they just needed more time to propagate. Let us know if you’re still having any issues seeing them.


Thanks for the reply. I’m still not seeing it on any lookup tool, and in my terminal host -t cname returns has no CNAME record.

Hi, @jknlsn. If you check the DNS configuration on the page below:

please note that there are no CNAME records for the apex All CNAMe records are for subdomain. Because of this, you will need to query for the exact domain names to see them.

You will get a not found for this lookup because there are no CNAME records on the apex:

However, if you specify the domain name for which the CNAME records do exist, they work correctly:

If there are other questions or concerns, please let us know.

Gotcha, thanks! Sorry about the misunderstanding, thanks for pointing that out.

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