CNAME not propagating for Domain

I’ve setup Netlify to manage my domain ( I’ve set up a number of custom DNS records and all but one of them have propagated.

I have a CNAME setup for iCloud Mail with custom domains and it still doesn’t seem to be propagating. I’ve used DNS Lookup - Check All DNS Records for Any Domain to check this (as well as a few others) and haven’t seen it populate for a bit over a week now. I’ve removed the CNAME record and re-added it and still no luck with it. All of the other entries are working as expected and showing up.

Many thanks and let me know if there are any other details to help troubleshoot :slight_smile:

Hey there! I just resynced your DNS zone with our DNS provider. Sometimes this issue of a record not propagating is due to a desync. Will you let us know if that resolves it for you? Thanks!

Perfect, it’s working now. Thanks!

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