Changing deployment region?

Hi guys is changing regions for functions only available for paid plans?

Hey there, @powermikee :wave:

Thanks for reaching out! Yes, changing functions regions is only an option on our paid tiers. To see what other features are available on our paid tiers, you can check out our Pricing Page.

Could we get all relevant features changed to the EU region for the Site ID 04f65634-ee83-4eb4-b683-814215235308 please?

hi there @michaeldever , we took care of this for you!

Dear Netlify-team,

would be great if you could move 7e70ee4f-2680-4dca-bf75-afee54f2f008 to eu-central-1 as well :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

it’s done! enjoy. :slight_smile:

Wow, that was fast! :smile: Thanks!

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Hi Netlifier :slight_smile: ,
Please change my functions of this ID site 40a3bb3f-0fea-48b7-a1ce-50b82607b128 to eu-central-1 Frankfurt.

This is done, @vUnAmp.

Thanks @hrishikesh :+1:

Hello @hrishikesh and the team!

We’re on Pro plan. Could we also please get EU region for 500212a1-4907-456f-94a5-2b3f27e76e1f and for 77d39dde-d2a6-4440-a65e-42cd28d8069d ?

Can it be done for all our sites and all future sites to be automaticaly on EU?

Thanks :slight_smile:

hi there @kreatorij ,

just to confirm were on the same page - moving regions only affects functions, not entire sites with pages , static assets etc , as they are served from distributed cdn anyway.

do you still want us to proceed? I am assuming you mean eu-central-1 which is frankfurt as a destination?

Hey. Yeah, this was about functions only BUT @hrishikesh already fixed it for us (I’ve first sent the mail and then tried here because client was nagging already). Websites not work WAY faster.

There really should be an option in Settings to set the regions, doing it through mail/forum is somehow weird way.

But still, thank you for your fast support :slight_smile:

Hello Perry,

we would also need EU region (eu-central-1) for all our site (free starter package). Is this possible?

@papak69 Perry is no longer with Netlify as per this post.

If you look earlier in this thread you can see that @hillary said:

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Thank you for sharing that, @nathanmartin!

@papak69, if you would like to change function regions, please update your account to Pro. Once you have done this, let us know and we will change your region.

@hillary Could we change this site’s (31ad71bf-8639-4d4a-9799-e4681262ea83) functions region to us-west-1?

Hi @elijahdisch :wave:

Thanks for reaching out. We have changed the functions region for that site. Would you like this done for your entire account? Let us know, we can change it at the account level if that will benefit you.

Hi, can you please change functions to ap-southeast-1 of this website
33b9e238-9cd2-4026-bd88-f6864a2dcba2? Please change the entire account if possible. Thanks

Hi @hoangvu12

Welcome to the community!

I made the change to your entire account. You’ll need to re-deploy your site(s) for the change to take effect.