Cant publish new version of website
I just added some more content (videos,images) to my website and now it suddenly cant be published anymore when I try to deploy. It sometimes says “Origin returned error code” or “Unable to read file style.css” even though everything is and always was fine the last 3 months. Deployment at 5:30pm worked but not the one at 6:50pm. I tried it multiple times now.
What can I do?

Thank you!

Are you seeing the error in the build log?
Can you copy/paste the build log to this thread?

(In case you don’t know, if you use ``` before/after, it’ll format it as a nice code block)

Im not that into netlify. Do you mean the deploy log because there is nothing loading. Just an icon spinning.

No worries it just worked! I think there was a technical issue with Netfliy probably. Ill let you know in case it happen again though. Now the issue was that the content loads very weirdly. Not in the same position etc… but that is fixed now too

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