Can summary be the display_field rather than value_field?

Is there any way I can have the value_field of my relation in a list be the uuid while showing the title of each project as the summary? It’s very confusing to see the UUID but I need to use it as the value or else I will have loose relationships between things.

- label: "Projects Page"
        name: "projectspage"
        file: "content/pages/"
          - { label: 'Mobile Featured Projects (Mobile only)', name: 'mobile_featured_projects', widget: 'list', 
              fields: [ { label: "Project", name: "project", widget: "relation", collection: "projects", search_fields: ["title"], value_field: "id", display_fields: ["title"]}]
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Your question will be left open here for anyone to comment - but we encourage you to check out the above resources if you are still looking for a solution! Additionally, @tomrutgers may have some thoughts!

I have basically the same question. Using @AaratiAkkapeddi 's config above as an example, I’d expect to be able to add to the list object:

summary: '{{fields.project.display_fields}}'

But when I do that all I get is “No id”. So clearly it is hitting that relationship in some way… but maybe just display_fields is the wrong prop to access? (Because also, what then if you have multiple display fields and wanted to grab only one of them)