Build error on focal, using netlify+hugo

UPDATE: I noticed a “requirements.txt” file in my directory (not sure how it got there) and removed it. The “mise ERROR” messages still appear during build initialization, but at least the build does successfully complete then deploys. So, this is not so urgent anymore, but I’m curious what this error means and why it’s happening

I am running into an error similar to this October 2024 post, however the fix proposed there has no effect for me.

More specifically, I have been using netlify + hugo (version 0.26) for several years now with no issue, but today when making a minor text change update to my site (first update since 10/25/2024), I get a build error in initialization. Below is what I get:

8:39:32 AM: build-image version: c3449036692ceba113a2b71302d561bccc8b6156 (focal)
8:39:32 AM: buildbot version: 6e5dfadf0eec598d7c9db5c1e005bfa46b6682c0
8:39:32 AM: Fetching cached dependencies
8:39:32 AM: Failed to fetch cache, continuing with build
8:39:32 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
8:39:33 AM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
8:39:33 AM: git clone --filter=blob:none
8:39:33 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
8:39:37 AM: Starting to install dependencies
8:39:38 AM: mise python@3.8.20   install
8:39:38 AM: mise python@3.8.20   download cpython-3.8.20+20241002-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only_stripped.tar.gz
8:39:38 AM: mise python@3.8.20   extract cpython-3.8.20+20241002-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only_stripped.tar.gz
8:39:39 AM: Failed during stage 'Install dependencies': dependency_installation script returned non-zero exit code: 1
8:39:39 AM: mise python@3.8.20   python --version
8:39:39 AM: mise python@3.8.20   Python 3.8.20
8:39:39 AM: mise python@3.8.20 ✓ installed
8:39:39 AM: Python version set to 3.8.20
8:39:39 AM: mise ERROR python is a mise bin however it is not currently active. Use `mise use` to activate it in this directory.
8:39:39 AM: mise ERROR Run with --verbose or MISE_VERBOSE=1 for more information
8:39:39 AM: mise ERROR Tool not installed for shim: pip
8:39:39 AM: Missing tool version: core:python@jamcoders_site
8:39:39 AM: Install all missing tools with: mise install
8:39:39 AM: mise ERROR Run with --verbose or MISE_VERBOSE=1 for more information
8:39:39 AM: Installing pip dependencies from requirements.txt
8:39:39 AM: Started restoring cached pip cache
8:39:39 AM: Finished restoring cached pip cache
8:39:39 AM: mise ERROR Tool not installed for shim: pip
8:39:39 AM: Missing tool version: core:python@jamcoders_site
8:39:39 AM: Install all missing tools with: mise install
8:39:39 AM: mise ERROR Run with --verbose or MISE_VERBOSE=1 for more information
8:39:39 AM: Error installing pip dependencies
8:39:39 AM: Failing build: Failed to install dependencies

I’ve tried adding

command = “mise use”

to my netlify.toml. I’ve also tried adding

command = “pip install pipenv”

but neither had any effect. My site is Here is my entire netlify.toml

  HUGO_VERSION = "0.26"

  environment = { PYTHON_VERSION = "3.8.20" }
  from = "/apply/*"
  to = ""
  status = 301
  force = true

  from = "/ta-apply/*"
  to = ""
  status = 301
  force = true

command = "mise use"