Astro v5 /_server-islands route not working


I am using Astro with Server Islands feature (which is fully supported in v5). When I am running it locally all seems to work fine. But after deploy the default routes for server islands which is .../_server-islands/<Component> is not found on my deploy.

Astro v5.1.9
Node v20.18.1
System macOS (arm64)
Package Manager npm
Output static
Adapter @astrojs/netlify
Integrations @astrojs/tailwind

Adapter => "@astrojs/netlify": "^6.1.0",

I discovered something interesting. It started working when I added another page with:
export const prerender = false;.
Only then did it generate the relevant routes. This seems like a bug.

[astro 5] not detecting “hybrid” (server) build when having only static pages but some server-islands