Assistance Required for Adding Custom Domain to Netlify Site【already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.】

Dear Netlify Support Team,

I am reaching out to request assistance with adding a custom domain to my Netlify site. Despite following the necessary steps, I am encountering an error and would appreciate your guidance to resolve this issue.
Here is the relevant information regarding my situation:
Netlify Site Name: [terathonwork]
Custom Domain: []
TXT Record Verification: I have added the required TXT record for domain verification as instructed.
I look forward to your response.
Best regards

Hello :wave:t6: I’m not seeing a TXT record for this domain.

I see the following:

 % host -t txt verified-for-netlify.terathonwork
Host verified-for-netlify.terathonwork not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Can you follow the instructions in this guide?

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hello. The correct domain is 「」, not 「terathonwork」
Host (Name)

Hi, @TTFF. It appears the domain is pointing to NS1 name servers:

$ whois | grep -i 'name server'
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:

However, those name servers are not working for this domain. Based on this, I recommend changing the name servers back to those at the domain registrar. Once that is done the verification TXT type DNS record should being working. Once that is done, please let us know.

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Thanks for letting me know. I have corrected it as you said. Could you please check it?

The domain has been added to your site.

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