Admin page is white after fresh install with "Deploy to netlify" and Gatsby


I just started a fresh install with the “Deploy netlify” button with Gatsby and the admin page is white.
I have these two errors in the console :

  • Uncaught TypeError: window.REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION is not a function
  • Uncaught ReferenceError: NetlifyCmsApp is not defined

The admin page: Content Manager

Have you got some ideas about this issue?

Thank you,
Julien Usson

hey there,

this is what i am seeing:

the errors you mentioned indicate that you have some browser extensions that are causing issues.

I would check the URL in an incognito window and see if that fixes things.

Thanks for your reply !

It works on incognito window…
The issue is due to the XState DevTools extension… Don’t know why…
It works now, thanks again.

Julien Usson

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great. Browser extensions are so awesome in many ways, but they can cause unexpected behaviour, that’s for sure!