NextJS build ignoring headers set in netlify.toml

Hi, @enginedigital. It is intentional that the 304 response does not have the other headers. The 304 is saying “use your locally cached version of this response”. The local system will then use the headers of the original 200 response that was cached.

This is covered in the RFCs for the HTTP protocol. The section about 304 responses can be found here:

That says that only three types of headers are mandatory (MUST) for 304 responses:

  • Date, unless its omission is required by section 14.18.1
  • ETag and/or Content-Location, if the header would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request
  • Expires, Cache-Control, and/or Vary, if the field-value might differ from that sent in any previous response for the same variant

For other headers it says:

If the conditional GET used a strong cache validator (see section 13.3.3), the response SHOULD NOT include other entity-headers.

I hope this explains why the headers are missing on the 304 response.

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