11ty - How to use netlify identity widget without lost of performance?

Yesterday with the help of the netlify team i solve my CMS connection issue.
But, now i have the netlify identity widget in my home page and lost some performance.

The project is just begun. I prefer begin with the 100 rating performance because i haven’t yet included the fonts and some analytics, and those ones will impact the performance, a lot!

I use Eleventy as my SSG, and, i want to know how to use netlify identity widget without lost of performance?

without netlify widget activated

with netlify widget activated

Thanks for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re technically asking for a JS file with the same functionality, but without file size. Sadly, that’s not going to work. I’m not sure if the Identity Widget can be further minified or not, but I’d assume it can’t be. Even if you cut down on the size, the warning is going to show up because according to Lighthouse, you’re not using the JS, so it’s unwanted.

Yes, performance is important, but don’t get too much caught up in numbers, I’d say.

Hi @ferreiraf, by default you need the identity widget to be included under the root path since Netlify Identity invite links point to the root path.
If you’re using Netlify Identity only with the CMS (and not as a part of your site), you can change Netlify Identity email templates to link to /admin and then only include the widget under that route.
See [Common Issue] Netlify CMS & Git Gateway - Email not confirmed for more information.

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Hi erez.
Thanks for your reply.

Today i try to solve the identity widget thing.
And one more time you give me the solution! :wink: :grinning:

So instead of having the widget in my index.html, i first try to install it in another page in the same root path. And its working, but then, impact the new page performance. So i try a last page, way less important, in the root path again.
And it’s just fine now. I have what I’m looking for - client side CMS acess - without loss of performance :100: :100: :100: :100:.

Cool ! :dizzy: